As mentioned earlier, my coworker Grey Mackay used to be volunteer crew aboard this replica. They do similar programs for troubled youth as the Lady Washington, taking kids out for 1 month sailings, teaching them seamanship, responsiblity and learning the satisfaction of working as a team. You can see more at Leeuwim is the southern most point in Western Australia and there are plenty of things named after it such as a recently closed restaurant, the Chewin' Leeuwin.
Anyway, Grey invited me out to join in a twilight sail from 4PM to 7PM (no DST in WA) and it was great! 90F temperatures and a good steady wind. We even saw a whale breaching and flipping us off. A great day for sure!
Hopefully next weekend, I'll get to go to Swan Valley, this area's wine region, not to mention all the microbreweries and a couple distilleries. I'd better take pictures as I'm bound to forget that day. Fortunately there is a 20 minute train ride to the area where you can catch a shuttle that makes the rounds for you. It should be good and I've already gotten tips on which places are the best!
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