Monday, April 26, 2010

Porkchop Update

Just to let everyone know, I'm still on the treadmill. I've thankfully avoided taking any before pictures and can only simulate potential after pictures of my incredible (attempt) to lose weight and gain muscles. Imagine a 'before' as Homer Simpson and the 'after' as any of your favourite underwear models (male, of course). Ok, maybe not underwear, that's even too gross for me to imagine.

So far, in spite of being out of the running for a week due to a gout attack, I've been able to lose about 3 kilos (that's 10 lbs to us Yanks) in 5 ~ 6 weeks. I really have had a much harder time starting however the last few workouts have gone longer and as an example of my walk along the beach yesterday, 3 - 4 clicks each way into town and back was really nothing. Ok, ok...maybe there was a pub in the middle of that walk, but it really was like nothing. It's too bad Daylight Savings Time has gone as after work, it was a perfect time to walk off the stress of the day and feel like I had accomplished something.

It really has been hard getting started and feeling somewhat better after a workout than before. I realized that maybe it has something to do with the intervening 30 years between regular visits to the gym. I guess I can't expect quick and easy miracles after that length of time away from the weights. Maybe someday soon, I'll run again. I really enjoyed that in the good old days, and funny thing is that I still dream about it. I wonder if I look like a sleeping dog while I do have those dreams.

Ok, enough of this self indulgence, I'll try to get you more good pictures and stories of the Underbelly of Oz soon.

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