Sunday, November 11, 2018


I've noticed it's been a while since I wrote anything (and longer in writing anything of importance).

Last time I think I mentioned learning to drive a school bus here on Vashon and then later with Metro. Both jobs were fun as I really enjoyed the people who ride the bus. 99.9% are great people and have great senses of humor (they get most of my jokes). Like hearing my Metro riders collectively breathe a heavy sigh as I clear a tight spot without causing physical damage or death. I'd often say out loud, "Oh Magoo, you've done it again!" Not many got that joke and those who did were scared all over again.

The kids on the school bus are very good, too. Most actually say Good Morning, or Hi when they get on and thank you when they leave (not Thank God! as the do on Metro, lol).

Now however, I am the manager for the school buses on Vashon for First Student who contracts with the School District. While my official title is the limp Location Manager, I prefer Base Commander. It is an okay job, most of it great in dealing with the kids, District and especially the drivers who are the main reason I quit Metro to work much more than full time to become manager. The drivers are a wonderful fun bunch of people and I really do try to bend over backwards to create an excellent work space.

The downside, as with any corporate job, is the mind-numbing amount of useless paperwork. While constantly looking at the bottom line (after safety however) they don't realize all their corporate edicts cost money. Begging and pleading by those of us in the trenches to streamline reporting requirements and cut the waste continues to go unanswered. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir if you work for a large corporation. It is crazy.

But other than that, I feel like I'm coasting along and not in a good way. Surviving barely, looking at trying to figure out all the government requirements when turning 65 this January. Already 65, where does the time go? I know I should feel lucky having lost so many friends already due to a variety of circumstances.

Don't look at this as depressive, I'm just observing and wondering what my next big adventure may be!