Friday, November 21, 2008

A Midnight Visitor

Don't you just love the soft, muffled pitter patter of little furry feet around the home. Typically there're only four of those feet per critter, but Friday morning I got double the treat in one! This tarantula-looking little guy (about 5-6" across at the ends of his feet) was over the door on my way out. Fortunately, I do have a back door and he was on the outside. This is a Huntsman spider that aren't poisionous but can bite although rarely. Some of my coworkers said they'd play with them when they were kids and never got bitten by them.

I've been asked if the Aussies do anything for Thanksgiving. No.

They do have the 4th of July however (and the 4th of August, and the 4th of...)

I did call during the usual Teacher's usual Thursday afternoon 'shout' as you'd call here in Oz. It was great saying 'Hi' to the usual suspects. The fancy restaurant a few blocks from the house had changed to a pub which in these troubled economic times seems to make more sense. Murphy is my co-pilot, just when I leave they turn it into my alternate living room! I could've made them rich! I'll just have to look forward to hanging out at the Back Bay next summer.

Just a quick note on a Saturday morning. I think I've cleared the remanents of Friday night enough to go out and buy more used furniture in preparation for my family's arrival.


Unknown said...

Oh, my dear CB. Your blog is a marvel. Please don't stop! BTW, Steve and I had the lovely wife and daughter here for dinner last night en route to G&S's. They are both clearly very much looking forward to Christmas in Oz.

Love, and take care, Julie (the one in Richland)

Unknown said...

There really is only ONE Julie! No additional clarification necessary. Thank you for the nice comment.

JG said...

What an impressive specimen. The damn thing looks big enough to kill a cat.

A little FYI
FIRST AID for Spider Bite

The patient should be kept calm and rested; all undue movement should be avoided. Reassure the patient - their life is not in danger - an anti-venom is available at the hospital. A pressure/immobilisation bandage should be firmly applied (but not tight) wrapping the entire limb bitten - similar as for a sprained ankle. This compresses the tissue, thus reducing the flow of venom along the limbs. A second bandage can be applied to immobilise the affected limb using a splint. This will minimise movement of the muscle of the affected limb in order to reduce the rate of blood flow and venom therein to the vital organs of the body.
Seek Medical Aid immediately.
Collect the spider for identification.